Rhys is not yet of lawn-mowing age, but he sure does look cute just hanging about. Her are way too many pics of the boys, just doing their thing.
Rhys is now 10 weeks, can hold his (massive) head up pretty well and is smiling and talking a lot - basically any time anyone pays him any attention. He has fabulous rolls all over, particularly his thighs and neck and his eyes are still blue-grey but there is a teeny bit of light brown creeping in in spots. I have my money on hazel. Sam's eyes were clearly dark brown by this point.
Rhys is a bruiser. He is now wearing 6 month sleepers (hand me downs, though, so some could have shrunk a bit) and some of his 3-6 month outfits are too small. He isn't off the charts, but is at the 90th percentile for both height and weight. Sam started this way, too, but is still in size 2 clothing (shorts from last summer still fit) so he is clearly back around the median -where he should be with a slightly short mother and an average height dad. No doubt Rhys will do the same but I'm thinking he'll be a bit bigger than Sam. I've already started preparing Sam for this, particularly when he decides to sit on Rhys: "You know, Rhys could be bigger than you one day..."
2 monhts and 14 lbs...not that you are shocked with those thighs...

One sunny April afternoon out in the backyard, killing time before Daddy got home from work:
Sam got a push bike this summer (no pedals - very popular here)...and he is getting the hang of it:
More Rhys, because he is now smiling regularly and I can't resist:
Rhys naps better than Sam did (an hour at a stretch) - at least he does now that I remember to put him down regularly (so THAT is why he was crying so much lately...).

The brother torment begins early
And here is one of Rhys crying for good measure, since he does do quite a bit of that - basically anytime someone is not holding him or paying attention to him. Makes for loooooooong days but I know I'll miss it later.

Protesting being left alone or is it the striped velour one-piece?
Beautiful babies Sarah!
Of course they're beautiful. Look who their Grandmother is.