Have had some requests for more 'fromage' so here goes. Life with a 2.5 yr old and a now 3 week old is as expected. Don't get much done, unless you count changing diapers (both size 1 and size 5) and feeding children productive. But we are enjoying our new little family.
Sam is a fabulous big brother as we expected he'd be but have to admit he has so far surprised us with his apparent lack of jealousy towards Rhys. He likes to give Rhys hugs and kisses, hold him and even includes him in games and outings. Suppose this may change when Rhys is old enough to go after the favourite toys. However, this love for brother has had its moments...like when I turned around to find Sam carrying Rhys across the room (heart attack!!!), or when he squishes him trying to get to his face to give him a kiss.
Boys in the bath - note belly button has yet to be unveiled
Although we are far from family and friends, we have some great neighbours, new friends and colleagues who have come to cuddle the baby and bring us delicious food and some very lovely gifts that we will treasure. Rhys has had a number of visitors and we have eaten yummy home made food we have not had to prepare ourselves.

Julie cuddles Rhys - 1.5 weeks
The Fowler Boys

Brother Love
Not only did Sam get a new brother, but he also got a new swing set. We set up the baby swing for Rhys, and Sam kept wanting to crawl in so we figured it was high time to set up the swing set we got for him before Christmas (and that has been living in the garage ever since). Took all day but Daddy, with Sam's help of course, put it together and boy was Sam happy!
Boys posing with their masterpiece
Pinar and Rhys
Ince and Rhys
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